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Don Nobles Book Reviews Logo
Don Noble's Book Reviews
Mondays at 7:45 a.m and 4:44 p.m.
Black and white logo for the Alabama State Council on the Arts
Credit Alabama State Council on the Arts

Now a retired English professor at The University of Alabama, Dr. Noble's specialties are Southern and American literature.  He also hosts Bookmark on Alabama Public Television.

Don Noble's reviews can be heard most Mondays at 7:45am and 4:44pm.  and have been made possible in part through grants from the Alabama State Council for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, the support of The University of Alabama, and from the generous support from our listeners.  Thank you!
To listen to the audio version of Dr. Noble's reviews, just click on the book title to be taken to the full page.  Audio is found either at the very beginning of the transcript or at the bottom of the page.

Dr. Noble's Book Reviews are made possible in part with a grant from The Alabama State Council on the Arts,