The Poarch Creek Band of Indians has made a major contribution to state Rep. Joe Hubbard's campaign for Alabama attorney general.Al.com reports that the…
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by the state which challenged the rights of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians to operate three casinos in…
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians is contributing heavily to the Democratic challenger for attorney general, who has criticized Attorney General Luther…
The Poarch Creek Indians say Wind Creek Wetumpka features 85,000 square feet of casino space with more than 2,500 electronic games. A centerpiece of the…
The state teachers' organization, a mining company and an Indian tribe that operates casinos are among the top campaign contributions in Alabama for next…
Members of Alabama's legislative black caucus are criticizing the state's latest crackdown on the VictoryLand casino at Shorter. State Rep. Pebblin Warren…
Gambling operators say the state is overstepping its bounds by trying to shut down four casinos in Alabama. The Poarch Band of Creek Indians says the…
The state of Alabama is trying to shut down Indian casinos in Atmore, Montgomery and Wetumpka.Attorney General Luther Strange's office filed suit Tuesday…
(Information in the following story is from: Montgomery Advertiser, http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com) A Native American tribe in Oklahoma has filed a…
Leaders of the Poarch Band of Creek Indians have agreed to stop construction of a planned 20-story hotel and casino in Wetumpka. The Poarch Band and the…