Ed Beck was a young man living in New Orleans when Hurricane Betsy struck the coast in 1965. He sat down at StoryCorps with his wife Nancy to reflect on…
Former Alabama law enforcement secretary Spencer Collier is suing Governor Robert Bentley for wrongful termination and defamation.Collier was fired for…
Teenagers in the Birmingham area can brush up on safe driving techniques starting today. Triple-A Alabama is holding a class for young motorists at its…
Republican lawmakers in Alabama’s House of Representatives have a new proposal to end the state's budget crisis.Yesterday, House leaders announced a plan…
Democrats in Alabama’s House of Representatives say it’s time for the state to consider legalized gambling as an additional source of revenue.House…
The controversy over the end of the football team at the University of Alabama in Birmingham may enter its latest chapter today. APR student reporter…
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians gave $500,000 to a Republican group that contributed to 2010 legislative races, but state Republicans say they didn't…
The Democratic challenger to Attorney General Luther Strange accuses him of being an absentee officeholder more interested in cracking down on bingo than…
With more budget problems likely ahead for the state, some legislative leaders say they're open to the idea of a compact with the Poarch Band of Creek…
The Poarch Band of Creek Indians has elected its first female tribal chair.Tribe officials said in a statement Tuesday that Stephanie A. Bryan has been…