A company has installed computerized vending machines to sell ammunition in grocery stores in Alabama, Oklahoma and Texas, allowing patrons to pick up bullets along with a gallon of milk.
The state’s new concealed weapon law took effect on New Year’s Day. It allows gun owners to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. The Alabama Sheriff’s Association opposed the idea.
Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange is supporting the National Rifle Association as it opposes a federal law restricting handgun sales to people ages…
The Alabama Wildlife Federation is honoring a Birmingham attorney and gun rights leader as its conservationist of the year. The organization recently…
An Alabama minor league baseball team has canceled a gun raffle that was supposed to be featured during its Second Amendment Night promotion.Huntsville…
A minor league baseball team in Alabama is holding a gun giveaway at a game and offering free admission to members of the National Rifle Association. The…
The Alabama Senate has started a debate on easing some of the state's gun restrictions. The Senate voted 26-7 Thursday to consider the bill, which was an…
Leaders of the Alabama Senate say they expect to consider a bill easing some of Alabama's gun restrictions. The bill by Republican Sen. Scott Beason of…