Don’t get out your checkbook to buy a landmark associated with Alabama’s Freedom Riders. The Trump White House identified the Montgomery bus station that now serves as a museum to that time in the state’s civil rights history for sale. That is until the administration deleted the list.
The City of Montgomery is working to take a significant step in addressing the opioid crisis affecting the community. The city has released a Request for Proposals (RFP 2024-10) for Opioid Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Services.
The first weekend of summer brought a tragic yet familiar pattern for American cities wracked by gun violence as mass shootings left dozens dead or wounded at a party in Alabama, an entertainment district in Ohio, and a grocery in Arkansas
Some new Alabama laws go into effect this Saturday. One is supposed to broaden the rights of parents. Another deals with squatters.
Visitors to a new outdoor space near Montgomery can learn about slavery through art. The Equal Justice Initiative’s Freedom Monument Sculpture Park covers seventeen acres along the Alabama River.
A Black man filmed swinging a folding chair during an Alabama riverfront brawl has pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge. The guilty plea Monday resolved the last of the charges brought in connection with the brawl this summer.
Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Alabama Republican Party’s summer dinner on Aug. 3 as he continues his presidential bid despite facing criminal charges.
A nonprofit organization that documents the history of LGBTQ+ people in the South invites Alabamians to two Pride events happening Wednesday, June 15, in Montgomery and Birmingham.
The Alabama legislature have advanced a package of economic development bills to attract jobs from incoming industries. The plan is meant to renew and expand the tax breaks and other incentives the state uses to lure businesses.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey used her annual State of the State address to call an anticipated special session on pandemic relief funds and propose one-time tax rebates of up to $400 per taxpayer and $800 for families.