Halloween can be a fun time for us but maybe not so much for our pets. It’s up to you to keep your best friend happy, healthy, safe and comfortable amidst all the tricks and treats.
Have you ever wondered how you can live eco-friendly, even on a tight budget? Well, you're in luck. In this week's Living with Less Plastic commentary, Mary Liz Ingram explains exactly how you can, and she also gives tips on how to save money while shopping...
Packing and shipping create a ton of waste, and much of it is plastic. In today's Living with Less Plastic commentary, Mary Liz Ingram breaks down better ways to ship sustainably, and how to responsibly dispose of packaging...
Recycling and reducing waste go hand in hand. In this week's Living with Less Plastic commentary, Mary Liz looks at the plastic code confusion and the dilemma of bioplastics in recycling...
Living with Less Plastic is a journey that definitely has its ups and downs. In this week's commentary, Mary Liz Ingram touches on a few obstacles to low-waste living, and what you can do about them...
While they may seem insignificant, plastic toothbrushes add up to a lot of long-lasting plastic waste. In this week's Living with Less Plastic commentary,…
Living with less plastic is a journey filled with ups and downs, but finding plastic-free alternatives that fit your lifestyle is an essential part of…
Compostable products are often substitutes for plastic items, but what are they made of? What do we do with them? In this week's Living with Less Plastic…
In this week's Living with Less Plastic commentary, Mary Liz Ingram explores alternative ways to recycle after a visit to Montgomery's RePower South…
Big events can create a lot of plastic waste. In this week's Living with Less Plastic commentary, Mary Liz Ingram outlines three reasons we often get…