Alabama A&M University is working to bridge the gap in the teacher shortage within the fields of Science Technology Engineering and Math. The program is called AAMUTeach. The new four-year program at Alabama A&M University offers students a teaching certification while obtaining a STEM undergraduate degree at the same time.
A nonprofit organization in Alabama has some tough news about kids in Alabama.VOICES for Alabama’s Children has released its annual Kids Count Data Book,…
Ramez Skaff immigrated to the United States in 1970 from Lebanon. In this StoryCorps piece, his daughter Adele Hapworth asks him about what he experienced…
Sugar Creek Elementary School will absorb the elementary students of West Limestone High School and Owens Elementary School when it opens in August, but…
Alabama students showed improvement on standardized test scores, but also show more than half aren't meeting reading standards.The Alabama Department of…
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley is offering a blunt assessment of the state's education system: It "sucks."Bentley's remarks came during an appearance in…
The Alabama Association of School Boards is seeking public input, including parents and employees, on what they want to see in the Huntsville City Schools…
The state’s community college system trustees approved a merger of three south Alabama colleges.The Alabama Community College Board of Trustees…
A divided Alabama Board of Education has approved a contract for the state's new school superintendent, who has drawn both criticism and praise for his…
Governor Robert Bentley is sending assistance to protect the U.S. Border. APR Student reporter Parker Branton reports…Governor Robert Bentley approved a…