When should you spay or neuter your pet? Now - do it now!
Saying goodbye to your dog is difficult, especially if he has been your friend, comfort, and travel companion for ten years!
So if a dog could work in a human job, what type of job would it have, and how much could it earn??
It is not easy to say goodbye to a long-time pet, even when they are elderly, but Bobi was in a class all by himself!
Shelter dogs are often overlooked as possible adoptable pets, when in fact they can make the very best pets ever!
National Dog Week is an annual event from September 20 to September 27, to show our love and appreciation for our canine companions!
Many dogs love to play in the water, but for Bella and her owner, there was nothing playful about the ordeal they endured together!
Is your rescue dog just the cutest ever? Then enter it in this year's People magazine contest for Cutest Rescue Dog!
Too many pets suffer, even die, in the summer heat - don't let that happen to your best friend!
National Rescue Dog Day is observed every year on May 20th, to bring attention to all the great dogs who need "fur-ever" homes!