On this week's Keepin' It Real, Cam Marston has some observations about the NCAA tournament. The old guys are winning, and her likes that.
On this week's Keepin' It Real, Cam is searching for a message, and if he hears one, he WILL obey.
There's a grocery store Cam goes to when he's in a hurry. It's the one closest to his house. That one is full of memories. Full of roots.
On today's Keepin' It Real, Cam shares something he saw last weekend that made him feel a little bit better about things.
Cam’s phone has been ringing. It’s a lot of his small business friends, and they’re experiencing similar things. They’re feeling pressure. They’re feeling squeezed.
Mardi Gras ended on Tuesday for Cam. Immediately after Mardi Gras is Lent, and Cam struggles with what sacrifices he should make.
On this week's Keepin' It Real, Mardi Gras is swiftly approaching, and Cam Marston has some thoughts about how his Dry January progress is going to effect the event.
What do you call it when your certain plans are suddenly upended or changed with no warning? You call it a God-Stop, and Cam shares his experience with them.
Cam spent Monday evening at a big party of a small group of twenty-one year olds. To say the least, times have changed. Here’s what he saw.
On this week's Keepin' It Real, Cam Marston survived the storms from earlier this week. But his daughter? It was close....