Mobile residents will head to the polls today (July 18) to vote that will possibly expand the Mobile City limits into West Mobile. This vote will impact four different areas of the Port City: Airport Corridor, Cottage Hill Corridor, Orchard Estates and Kings Branch.
Residents in four Alabama communities get to decide whether or not they join the Port City. Voting opens at 7 a.m. next month in four different polling locations.
The Mobile City Council has voted unanimously to let more than twenty five thousand people vote on whether they want their neighborhoods to be annexed. If the voters say yes, Mobile would become the second-largest city in Alabama.
Using data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, multiple City of Mobile departments and various other public entities, PFM's team has spent the past two months evaluating the projected expenses, revenues and demographic impact of four proposed annexation areas.
MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — Mobile's mayor is proposing to annex 13,000 residents into the city.The proposal — if it happens — would make the south Alabama city…