Alabama voters won’t be casting ballots on a state lottery this November. But, there will be a proposed constitutional amendment to keep an estimated six…
A lottery bill is heading to a critical vote in the Alabama House of Representatives.Today’s vote could determine whether a proposed state lottery goes…
Alabama Senators have once again failed to vote on a lottery proposal.The Senate spent much of the day yesterday debating and revamping a lottery bill…
Alabama’s Senate and House of Representatives are back in Montgomery once again to try and find a solution to the state’s budget woes.Governor Robert…
Alabama lawmakers are currently being polled about support for lottery legislation as Governor Robert Bentley contemplates calling a special session on…
Time is running out for the Alabama Legislature to work out a general fund budget, but the state Senate is beginning to iron out the details.State agency…
A judge recently stopped another effort from Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard’s defense to have his ethics case dismissed.Lee County Judge Jacob Walker…
Supporters and critics of legalized gambling and an Alabama state lottery are scheduled to meet in Montgomery today.If approved by voters, the measure…
The Democratic leader in the Alabama House is calling for the Legislature to use its election-year session to approve a state lottery.House Minority…
Alabama House Democrats want to put an armed police officer in each of the approximately 1,500 public schools in Alabama. Representative Merika…