Speaking of Pets (Opinion)
Saturdays at 8:59 a.m.
Speaking of Pets with host Mindy Norton is a commentary (opinion piece) for people who care about pets and humane treatment for animals in general, and who want to celebrate that special relationship between us and our animal companions.
If it's too cold for you, it may be too cold for your pet - but how do you keep your pet safe as the temperatures drop?
Helping your plump pet lose the extra weight is just another way of loving your best friend!
As you ring in the New Year, remember to keep your furry friend's safety and well-being in mind!
If anyone ever thinks animals have no place in a Christmas celebration, remind them that there were certainly animals present at the first Christmas in Bethlehem!
The hustle and bustle of the Christmas season can cause stress for all of us, including our furry friends!
Taking a holiday photo with your pet may seem like a good idea - but it might take a bit of planning to get the picture you want!
Traveling with a pet takes patience, practice and an understanding of what will make the trip better for your furry buddy.
Christmas decorations make the house look so festive, but they can cause problems for our furry friends who may not understand the dangers posed by those seasonal additions to their living spaces!
While the food we eat on Thanksgiving may be delicious, it also may be high-calorie and high-fat - things your pet doesn't really need - a taste or two is okay but not a whole meal for your furry friend!
Life for a shelter dog is stressful, and the longer its stay at the shelter, the more stressful it can be.