Speaking of Pets (Opinion)
Saturdays at 8:59 a.m.
Speaking of Pets with host Mindy Norton is a commentary (opinion piece) for people who care about pets and humane treatment for animals in general, and who want to celebrate that special relationship between us and our animal companions.
June is considered kitten season because so many are surrendered to shelters, all desperately in need of homes!
Keeping your pet safe is always time well-spent, because it means you are protecting your best friend!
Dubbed "Cicadapocalypse", a rare concurrence of two types of periodical cicadas are emerging from hibernation this spring, with trillions of cicadas being heard throughout the central and south-central parts of the country!
More than 100 years ago, the American Humane Association promoted kindness to animals with its first Be Kind to Animals Week. We still need reminding that kindness is a combination of attitude and action!
Keeping your pet safe includes making sure any plants in your house are not harmful to your furry friend!
The theme for World Veterinary Day this year is "Veterinarians are essential health workers."
The Rottweiler is one of the most popular dog breeds. it is strong, powerful, courageous, handsome, and intelligent. In a good home, a Rottweiler is a wonderful pet, a true friend and companion!
Wouldn't it be great if you could claim your four-footed buddy as a dependent on your tax return?!
Pets are not in as much danger from the solar eclipse as from mistakes we might make around the event.
We all love it when the Easter bunny comes to visit, but the Cadbury folks have a slightly different view of things!