Speaking of Pets (Opinion)
Saturdays at 8:59 a.m.
Speaking of Pets with host Mindy Norton is a commentary (opinion piece) for people who care about pets and humane treatment for animals in general, and who want to celebrate that special relationship between us and our animal companions.
One of the worst feelings for a pet owner can be not knowing where your pet is, or when it might come home, or even if it can come home. Being able to locate your furry buddy might help reduce the anxiety when you can't find your pet.
As you head back to school, your pet may be stuck at home!
The human ear can hear frequencies as high as 20,000 Hz; a dog can hear about double that, but a cat hears sounds up to 60,000+ Hz. - no wonder their ears are more sensitive than ours!
When a pet is lost, it's hard on the pet and the owner - but there are things you can do to help ensure your pet finds its way home!
Pet safety takes on a greater importance when we're talking about leaving them in the car in the summer heat - DON'T DO IT!!
Planning ahead and taking some precautions can help to keep your furry friend safe on the 4th of July!
So if a dog could work in a human job, what type of job would it have, and how much could it earn??
My father left a legacy that lives out in my life and includes kindness, care and concern for animals.
Many pet owners may not visit the veterinarian except for the annual vaccinations and check-up, but if your furry buddy gets hurt or sick, you might find that pet health insurance premium was worth it!