Speaking of Pets (Opinion)
Saturdays at 8:59 a.m.
Speaking of Pets with host Mindy Norton is a commentary (opinion piece) for people who care about pets and humane treatment for animals in general, and who want to celebrate that special relationship between us and our animal companions.
While you're celebrating the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one, remember that those fireworks and loud noises may hurt your pet's sensitive ears and cause pain and even fear!
Do you think the animals at the manger provided comfort to the Christ child and His parents, as our pets give to us?
Some holiday plants and greenery can harm or possibly even kill a pet. Try to keep plants away from pets or use alternative (or artificial) decorations.
Sure it seems like a great idea to give someone a pet for Christmas, but choosing a pet is a personal thing, and Christmas may be too busy a time to get to know a new furry friend!
Christmas can be a wonderful time for family and friends, but it also poses risks for our furry buddies who may not understand the dangers posed by our decorations.
Did the Pilgrims have pets? Apparently they brought dogs with them to the new world! BUT - that doesn't mean they should share in our rich Thanksgiving food!
Saying goodbye to your dog is difficult, especially if he has been your friend, comfort, and travel companion for ten years!
Sharing your favorite activities with your dog can be fun - and it might even include football, which is perfect for this time of year!
Pets have an internal clock (like we do) so they may be confused by our sudden switch from Daylight Savings Time!
Keeping your pet safe at Halloween may involve the word "no" - no superstitions, no tight-fitting costumes, no running free around the neighborhood - and no candy!