I love a good dog story, especially when the dog turns out to be a hero. Well, our country just lost a true four-legged hero named Hurricane who passed away this week at age 16.
During President Barack Obama’s second term, an intruder made it over the fence, and almost to the White House itself, with the first family inside. Security was increased, but a short time later there was another trespasser - but this one was hit by a Hurricane – that is, Hurricane the dog, a solid black Belgian Melanois who, with his handler, was specially trained to deal the situation. Hurricane took the two-hundred-pound intruder off his feet. In the process, the dog took a pretty good beating, being picked up and slammed to the ground, punched in the head, and getting banged up – but he got his man. When the intruder was finally detained, Hurricane, who was cut and bleeding, gave his handler a look that said, “I did good, didn’t I?!”
Yes, Hurricane did great! So much so that after the incident, he became possibly the most decorated dog ever, receiving a number of awards including the Secret Service Order of Merit, and the Animals in War and Peace Distinguished Service Medal – the first dog ever to win that. He even received the PDSA Order of Merit from the British Parliament, the equivalent to Hurricane being knighted!
Due to injuries sustained in the incident, Hurricane was medically retired in 2016 which meant he would receive veterinary care for the rest of his life. Unfortunately most service animals do not receive medical benefits when they retire, so Hurricane’s handler started a non-for-profit group, K9 Hurricane’s Heroes, to help with veterinary care for retired military and law enforcement dogs. Visit their Facebook Page at “K9 Hurricane’s Heroes, or the website, K9HurricanesHeroes.org.
It’s a special animal that has such a deep impact and a strong legacy – and that is Hurricane, when we’re speaking of pets.