Morning Edition host Maggie Martin is up week days before 5AM in order to be live on the air with APR listeners. Well, live may be stretching it a bit at that time of the day... but she's up anyway. Maggie is a graduate of Fordham University, having grown up in Rochester, NY. She loves her job at APR - even dealing with the early hours. Just don't ask her any questions after 2PM, she tends not to make much sense after that time of day. After all, she's been up a long time by then. But hosting ME isn't all Maggie does. She puts together some great stories for APR as well, and tomorrow you can hear one. She visited with a researcher at the University of Alabama that is using Burmese pythons. The snakes' heart expands after they eat, in the same way that human hearts expand after exercise or an illness. Cardiac specialists are really excited about the possibilities. Be sure to tune in to hear the story... and Maggie won't be sleepy when she reports it!
Maggie Martin