Planned Giving

Through effective gift planning, you can balance personal financial goals with your interest in supporting APR, and realize significant tax benefits. We will be glad to answer questions, review your unique circumstances, and let you know about the full range of giving opportunities available at APR.
Many People don't consider estate planning because they feel they don't have a large enough estate to protect.
Bequests of all sizes are valuable to APR. Whether you wish to donate your entire estate, a portion of your estate, a fixed dollar amount, or a percentage of your assets, bequests are easy to make. If you already have an existing will, your attorney can help you add a new gift or change a provision by making a simple amendment (a codicil.)
We are happy to assist you and your adviser through the estate planning process by providing language and documents to ensure your giving objectives are met.
If you would like to leave an unrestricted bequest to APR in your will, you may use the following wording:
"I hereby give, devise, and bequeath (insert dollar amount, percentage of the estate, or residuary) to APR, a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alabama, currently located at 920 Paul Bryant Drive, Digital Media Center-Gate 61, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, for its general purposes..."
Please notify us if you include APR in your will as we would like to acknowledge your generosity and express our gratitude for your support.
Life Insurance or Retirement Assets:
This may be as simple as declaring APR a beneficiary of your insurance policy or retirement fund. Your retirement plan benefits adviser or your life insurance professional can help you make this designation.
For more information on any of these types of donations, please email or call 800-654-4262.