Mindy Norton
Host, Speaking of PetsMindy Norton has been “Speaking of Pets” on Alabama Public Radio since 1995. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she has served on the boards of directors of four animal welfare organizations, serving as president of two of them. In 1979, Mindy won an Obelisk Award for her weekday “Pet Patrol” spot on Birmingham’s WBHM Pubic Radio. She joined APR in 1995 as a weekly commentator with “Speaking of Pets.” As a volunteer, Mindy feels she is so blessed to have a “soap box” with a microphone in front of it. “After all,” she says, “I get to talk about our best friends every week!” And she helps two of her favorite causes at the same time, animal welfare and Alabama Public Radio.
The theme for World Veterinary Day this year is "Veterinarians are essential health workers."
The Rottweiler is one of the most popular dog breeds. it is strong, powerful, courageous, handsome, and intelligent. In a good home, a Rottweiler is a wonderful pet, a true friend and companion!
Wouldn't it be great if you could claim your four-footed buddy as a dependent on your tax return?!
Pets are not in as much danger from the solar eclipse as from mistakes we might make around the event.
Live Easter bunnies (baby rabbits) are cute, cuddly, fairly inexpensive - but, they are not toys. They are living, breathing creatures that will need ongoing care for 8-10 years!
Pollen may make you sneeze, but it might cause a skin irritation in your pet that could be pretty uncomfortable!
The expression "fighting like dogs and cats" indicates they can't get along, but with some planning and patience, dogs and cats can live peacefullly in the same house!
What would (or could) our pets do if they had thumbs? That's the idea behind this quirky "holiday"!
Allowing your pet to have just one litter means even more dogs or cats will not make it out of the animal shelter alive!
During wintertime, we often feel our skin is very dry. Well, the same is true for our furry housemates!