Mindy Norton
Host, Speaking of PetsMindy Norton has been “Speaking of Pets” on Alabama Public Radio since 1995. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she has served on the boards of directors of four animal welfare organizations, serving as president of two of them. In 1979, Mindy won an Obelisk Award for her weekday “Pet Patrol” spot on Birmingham’s WBHM Pubic Radio. She joined APR in 1995 as a weekly commentator with “Speaking of Pets.” As a volunteer, Mindy feels she is so blessed to have a “soap box” with a microphone in front of it. “After all,” she says, “I get to talk about our best friends every week!” And she helps two of her favorite causes at the same time, animal welfare and Alabama Public Radio.
Pet safety takes on a greater importance when we're talking about leaving them in the car in the summer heat - DON'T DO IT!!
Planning ahead and taking some precautions can help to keep your furry friend safe on the 4th of July!
So if a dog could work in a human job, what type of job would it have, and how much could it earn??
My father left a legacy that lives out in my life and includes kindness, care and concern for animals.
Many pet owners may not visit the veterinarian except for the annual vaccinations and check-up, but if your furry buddy gets hurt or sick, you might find that pet health insurance premium was worth it!
June is considered kitten season because so many are surrendered to shelters, all desperately in need of homes!
Keeping your pet safe is always time well-spent, because it means you are protecting your best friend!
Dubbed "Cicadapocalypse", a rare concurrence of two types of periodical cicadas are emerging from hibernation this spring, with trillions of cicadas being heard throughout the central and south-central parts of the country!
More than 100 years ago, the American Humane Association promoted kindness to animals with its first Be Kind to Animals Week. We still need reminding that kindness is a combination of attitude and action!
Keeping your pet safe includes making sure any plants in your house are not harmful to your furry friend!