Mindy Norton
Host, Speaking of PetsMindy Norton has been “Speaking of Pets” on Alabama Public Radio since 1995. Originally from Birmingham, Alabama, she has served on the boards of directors of four animal welfare organizations, serving as president of two of them. In 1979, Mindy won an Obelisk Award for her weekday “Pet Patrol” spot on Birmingham’s WBHM Pubic Radio. She joined APR in 1995 as a weekly commentator with “Speaking of Pets.” As a volunteer, Mindy feels she is so blessed to have a “soap box” with a microphone in front of it. “After all,” she says, “I get to talk about our best friends every week!” And she helps two of her favorite causes at the same time, animal welfare and Alabama Public Radio.
When should you spay or neuter your pet? Now - do it now!
Dedication to your pet can strengthen the bond between you, but in the case of one figure skater it saved his life and the life of his dog!
A company that made microchips for pets suddenly shut down, so some pet owners may need to re-register their pets' microchips with another registry.
A resolution from the American Bar Association urges legal professionals to include family pets in any protection orders!
We love our pets, and like to treat them special at times like Valentine's Day, but as on other holidays our celebrations may include some things that are not pet-friendly!
Raw pet food diets are gaining in popularity, but they are controversial, with veterinary groups and animal hospital groups discouraging the idea.
Pet rescue takes on a new perspective when facing a disaster like the California wildfires!
`Training your dog is time well spent - for both of you. It provides mental stimulation, exercise, and builds a solid and lasting relationship between you and your pet. You become a team that communicates well with each other!
Even in the South, we have to protect our best friends from winter weather and cold temperatures!
While you're celebrating the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one, remember that those fireworks and loud noises may hurt your pet's sensitive ears and cause pain and even fear!