Jolencia Jones
ReporterJolencia Jones is a graduate assistant at Alabama Public Radio. She joined APR in 2022. She graduated from The University of Alabama with a bachelor's degree in public relations. Over the past year, Jolencia has written a range of stories covering events throughout the state. When she's not working at APR, she's writing for 1956 Magazine and The Crimson White.
A new WalletHub study compared all fifty states within five categories to investigate which states are most representative of the U.S. population. The point was to see how much each State resembles the rest of the country as the nation prepares to head to the polls in November to pick the next President. Alabama came in at number forty-eight, just ahead of Mississippi and Utah.
Alabama Holocaust Education Center is hosting its annual Film Series. The center’s mission is to keep the history and lessons of that time alive. This year’s theme is rescue and how one person can make a difference. Four films are being featured during the series.
The largest annual civil rights event in the nation takes place in Alabama this week. Selma's annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee starts on Thursday, Feb. 29, and continues through Sunday, March 3. The Old-Fashioned Mass Meeting at Tabernacle is the official kickoff of the jubilee.
Every year Alabamians can celebrate Black History Month in Mobile through various activities. This celebration happens annually with different events each week to embrace a new theme. This year’s theme is African Americans and the Arts. This year’s activities includes cooking classes, a wellness fair, fitness classes, an art appreciation showcase, and a talent show.
A recently published paper by a UA paleontologist shows a rare soft tissue discovered in a crab fossil. The crab lived 75 million years ago in the area of present-day South Dakota. Most animals and plants never fossilize with the exception of hard parts such as shells and bones and soft tissues such as muscles and gills.
Children of color are behind in most categories at state and national levels, according to the Race for Results report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Improvements have been made over the past decade, but no racial or ethnic group came close to the maximum index.
The University of North Alabama will be the home of the spring 2024 statewide Esports competition. This event will bring in high school students and coaches across Alabama.
Tree farms in Alabama and across the country seem to be keeping steady, even with inflation. The National Christmas Tree Association says most businesses aren’t increasing their prices for live trees this year. That’s even with inflation going up three percent since last year.
Holiday decorations are going up, and that’s prompting annual warnings on Christmas tree safety. The National Fire Protection Association offers the following tips and resources that will help residents stay safe during the winter holiday season.
The city of Northport invites locals and visitors to join for family fun during its third annual Holiday Open House. The event will be held Thursday, December 14 in and around Northport City Hall from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.