Jeremy Loeb
Morning Host / ReporterJeremy Loeb is a reporter and former APR host of Morning Edition. He joined the station in December of 2013 and stayed with us until November 2014.
Jeremy grew up in Durham, North Carolina. He got his start in radio as an intern at WHQR Public Radio in Wilmington, NC while attending the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He was an operations assistant, host of All Things Considered, and was one of a rotating roster of hosts for an eclectic half-hour music program during his six years there. He then spent two years back near his hometown, living in Carrboro, NC while working for North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC. He was a reporter, a Morning Edition producer, and backup host for All Things Considered.
After two years, he followed his girlfriend up to Washington D.C. where he slacked off and drove a pedicab on the National Mall. But he finally decided to “get it together” and returned to WHQR to be their All Things Considered host.
He was also a producer for two years on A Season’s Griot, out of Wilmington, the only nationally-syndicated Kwanzaa program in the country, and filled in for a short time as a producer on WUNC’s local affairs program The State of Things. Jeremy loves riding his bike and blasting indie bands in his headphones. He’s also a lifelong Duke fan but will pretend to be a Tide fan for the time being due to safety concerns.
6am NewscastTuesday Novebmer 4, 2014It is election day across the nation and here in Alabama, the polls are open from 7am to 7pm. Information about the…
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6am NewscastMonday October 27, 2014
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