Jackie Howell
Membership CoordinatorMembership Coordinator Jackie Howell has been with Alabama Public Radio since 2001. This native Alabamian earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from The University of Alabama and worked in the Banking and Finance field right out of college. In fact when there were very few in the southeastern United States, Jackie was the first female stock broker in Tuscaloosa.
Black Monday 1987 meant a change in direction for many careers related to Wall Street and that included Jackie’s. She was soon an Operations Manager at an industrial factory that produced micro-mixing systems. The birth of her children prompted Jackie to take 10 years away from the workforce. Upon her return, she joined Alabama Public Radio and became Membership Coordinator.
Jackie is the person to contact if there are concerns with your membership in any way. If you have questions about your donation, a premium you have requested, need to change your contact information –contact Jackie she will be glad to help you.
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