Caleb Aguayo
ReporterCaleb Aguayo is a master’s student intern at Alabama Public Radio. He is studying Community Journalism, a news communications degree with a focus on real people in local areas. In his free time, Caleb enjoys spending time with family, gardening, and hobby carpentry.
Healthcare services in some rural West Alabama Communities are on the decline. A lack of financial support appears to be causing problems for those who have to travel almost an hour to a hospital. Others are worried whether they’ll make it there if they or a family member has a life-threatening emergency. APR student reporter Caleb Aguayo* explains how this situation is impacting rural ambulance services and peoples’ access to care. This feature is made possible by a grant by the Caring Foundation.
Some new Alabama laws go into effect this Saturday. One is supposed to broaden the rights of parents. Another deals with squatters.
Memorial Day marks the start of the summer tourism season, but not just along the Alabama Gulf coast. But, the State’s visitor industry is bigger than that.
Alabama anglers get the chance to reel in one of the Gulf’s signature coastal fish species, as the season for red snapper opens again this month. Anglers fishing for red snapper on their own can begin May 24, and the season for charter boat fishing begins on July 1.