A $10 million grant from the from PNC Foundation, which supports nonprofit organizations assisting low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, is helping an Alabama organization serve students within the Birmingham City Schools system.
This comes as the deadline approaches for Birmingham seniors to take advantage of the latest round of scholarship opportunities provided by Birmingham Promise.

“This grant provides Birmingham students with opportunities to pursue secondary education and empowers young scholars to reach their maximum potential,” said Nick Willis, PNC regional president for North & Central Alabama, in a statement. “It enriches our community by providing students with the chance to fulfill their dreams, along with the generational impact of graduating without a high burden of tuition debt.”

The organization will use the funding, payable over the next 10 years, from the PNC Foundation to expand its work to prepare and support students for college success, according to the city of Birmingham. The grant is the largest of its kind for the organization, created in 2019.
“We are so grateful to PNC Foundation for its investment in Birmingham Promise and the students we serve,” said Samantha Williams, executive director of Birmingham Promise, in a statement. “It’s the kind of sustained commitment that provides a true foundation for the success of our students, now and in the future.”
Birmingham Promise provides up to four years of tuition assistance for graduates of Birmingham City Schools who attend public colleges and universities in Alabama.
The PNC Foundation grant will help Birmingham Promise:
—Sustain scholarships and the program’s success coaches, who work with students throughout their college years to overcome challenges and make the most of their postsecondary education.
—Expand the outreach and counseling it provides high-school students about their college and career plans, connecting them with the programs that best serve their needs.
—Launch an outreach program for middle-schoolers to make sure they are on the best path for college success before entering high school.
Birmingham Mayor Randall L. Woodfin, whose administration led to the creation of Birmingham Promise, said the PNC Foundation’s grant will not only allow individual students to fulfill their dreams but also will ensure the city’s future economic success.

“These students are the future workforce of our city,” Woodfin said in a statement. “By investing in them, we are creating a talent pipeline that will make our businesses more successful and our city economically strong.”
The awarding of the $10 million grant comes as the deadline is approaching for Birmingham seniors to take advantage of the latest round of scholarship opportunities provided by Birmingham Promise.
According to the scholarships section of the organization's website, interested applicants must complete their applications by May 1, 2024. Read more about Birmingham Promise scholarships here.