The rock band Earthbound is holding its annual outdoor concert, Earthbound’s Earthfest, at Avondale Brewery in Birmingham on Saturday, April 20. The event is set for 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Earthbound’s Earthfest benefits Black Warrior Riverkeeper, a nonprofit clean water advocacy organization protecting Alabama’s Black Warrior River watershed.

According to the organization's website, the Black Warrior River drains parts of 17 Alabama counties. The area the river drains, its watershed, covers 6,276 square miles in Alabama and measures roughly 300 miles from top to bottom.
The Black Warrior River watershed is home to over one million residents and contains 16,145.89 miles of mapped streams.
The Earthbound’s Earthfest family-friendly outdoor event is open to pets and people of all ages, although organizers advise that guests under 21 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Suggested $5 donations at the door will support Black Warrior Riverkeeper, as will proceeds from merchandise, art and food trucks.
The event's top sponsors are Skates 280 and Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.
This year's event is dedicated in loving memory of Sam Ray (1962-2023), Earthbound's longtime manager who founded Earthbound's Earthfest.
To visit the Facebook event page for Earthbound’s Earthfest 2024, click here.
Those interested in volunteering at the event can email info@blackwarriorriver.org.
Learn more about Black Warrior Riverkeeper’s mission to protect and restore the Black Warrior River here.