Marshall County Animal Watch is announcing a “Chipathon” event where pet owners can get their pets microchipped for only $25 throughout the month of August.
The $25 covers both the cost for the microchip procedure and the registration. The procedure itself only takes seconds to complete.
Owners can get this done at select veterinary locations throughout Marshall county.

Aubrie Kavanaugh is a spokesperson for the Marshall County Animal Watch. She stresses the importance of getting your pet microchipped because you can’t always ensure the security of your indoor pet.
“The reality is, even though we often see pets wandering around, pets get lost or displaced every day. And it's just not always due to somebody's irresponsibility. Dogs jump fences, they dig out from under gates and doors get left open by children. Sometimes pets flee in fear of loud noises, Kavanaugh explained, “And although a lot of people who have pets who live inside may think, ‘Oh, I don't need my pet microchip, my pet will never be displaced from me’, you just never know.”
Kavanaugh also says that getting your pet microchipped is the best way to ensure that your pet can find a fast and easy way home.
”I call it a win-win-win-win. It's a win for the family, because the stress is reduced because you get your animal back. It's a win for the animal because it reduces the stress of them being in a shelter. It's a win for the shelter because a tipped animal will get back home faster. And it's a win for law enforcement because they can quickly identify who owns the animal and get it back home. I just think for $25 bucks, you really can't lose,” says Kavanaugh.
Veterinary offices that are offering this month-long program include: B&A Animal Hospital, Guntersville Animal Hospital, Lake Guntersville Veterinary Services, Spring Creek Animal Clinic and Westside Veterinary Hospital.
Owners wanting to take advantage of this event can call and make an appointment with one of the participating clinics.
For those interested in learning more about the Marshall County Animal Watch, click here.