Services for Huntsville Police Officer Garrett Crumby will take place today.
The officer's obituary says the funeral service will be at Mayfair Church of Christ on Monday, April 3, at 10:30 a.m.
A graveside service will be held at Tuscaloosa Memorial Park later.
Raised in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Garrett was a 2004 graduate of Hillcrest High School. Garrett joined the Huntsville Police Department in August 2020 after serving with the Tuscaloosa Police Department for nearly seven years as a patrol and field training officer. He worked for HPD’s West Precinct and was known by fellow officers for his positive attitude and willingness to learn. In June 2022, Garrett joined HPD’s Bike Unit, combining his love for the outdoors and desire to get more involved with the community.
Crumby was killed in the line of duty on March 28 while responding to a shots-fired call. His fellow officer, Albert Morin, was critically injured during the call and is in Huntsville Hospital.
Over the weekend, the Huntsville Police Department posted the photo below to Facebook with the caption: "Friday, Chief Giles and Deputy Chiefs Johnson, Brooks and Hudson visited Officer Albert Morin in the hospital. He gave two thumbs up and wants to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for Officer Morin, his family and Officer Garrett Crumby’s family."