Alabama leads the nation in few things, but the state has recently gained a new point of pride. Eighteen-year-old Seth Maddox of Geraldine is the 2019 World Champion of Microsoft PowerPoint. Yes, you read that right.
Maddox won the national prize in software literacy competition last June, and on Wednesday was declared world champion.
Maddox is a polite young man who has has stayed unwaveringly humble despite his success.
“It feels pretty great at times, but then in other times, I realize that I’m just a regular guy who The Lord has just blessed," he said, "But it is pretty neat, thinking that of all the people in the world, the Lord choosing to bless me, a guy from Geraldine, Alabama who goes to a 3A school.”
Maddox said he was honored to be representing the United States at the World Championship in New York City. After celebrating his PowerPoint victories, he hopes to go into the technology field after attending Auburn University. Congratulations, Seth.