APR Broadcast Underwriting Guidelines
Corporations and organizations support Alabama Public Radio through on-air announcement. Because APR is a station using the public airwaves, we have established guidelines for these announcements.
1) Announcement must not exceed 15 seconds in length, and must begin with a statement of support, i.e. "ALABAMA PUBLIC RADIO is supported in part by..." or This portion of All Things Considered/Classical Music/etc. is made possible by...".
2) Announcement must not make a call-to-action, or mention any sale, discount or pricing information.
3) Announcement content must be value-neutral, using no qualitative or comparative adjectives that position a company or service as better than its competition.
4) Announcement may contain location, a brief description of goods or services provided (including brand names), a non-promotional slogan, and a phone number or website if applicable.
5) Announcement will be voiced by an Alabama Public Radio staff member/announcer.
6) No political announcements are accepted.